Tuesday, May 8, 2012

one step at a time…

I think I’ve mentioned before that planting a church has been one of the HARDEST things the hubs and I have ever done thus far!  We’ve been faced both with it’s challenges and blessings all at the same time.  Our church, Ignite, is about 18 months old and I can honestly say that myself, the hubs and our family have never been so weary.  The Lord has definitely broken me down and stretched me far more than I ever wanted to be stretched, but Jeremiah 29:11 keeps running through my mind…

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Those of you who exercise know the importance of stretching, it loosens things up, prevents injuries and keeps you flexible.  The way the Lord stretches us is very similar…He stretches us so we can become stronger!  It may hurt a bit along the way (we may even feel broken at times), but in the end I know that what God has planned for me is far greater than the pain I had to endure to get there!  It is only by His grace that I have rest knowing that He can put all my broken pieces back in place, turning my life into something more beautiful than I could ever imagine! 


DSCN4013 I write this today because we’re excited to see the changes that God has in store for the church.  He’s been moving in our hearts, guiding us in a new direction and possibly opening doors in the community where we live.  Like the heavy fog I ran through on my morning run today, taking the next step to following God’s direction has been weighing heavily on our shoulders.  I know the fog will eventually lift and clear making way for a beautiful day and this is why it excites me to see the Lord slowly lifting the weight off our shoulders and making way for a new beginning, not only for the church, but for our family!

DSCN4011 Thank you to everyone who has prayed, encouraged and walked with us through this journey so far! Thank you for going all the way with us, one step at a time (even amidst some pain)…

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”  Colossian 3:23

Nourishing Thought for Today:

In the words of Matthew West…

“We are an imperfect people in need of grace and that is why God sent His only Son to die…for every broken heart to have a life inside!”

Hebrews 6:19 says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”

It is only God’s love that makes us whole and gives us hope for each day!





  1. we are praying for you and your family! gorgeous photos, by the way :)

  2. J'lene, what a wonderful post. We feel honored to be by your side through this process. We too, are praying very hard for the direction God is leading Ignite. Your friendship means a lot to us and we look forward to seeing you each week. God is Good....ALL THE TIME!!

    1. Thank you Trish! It has been a blessing getting to know you and your family even better over the course of this last year or so and I look forward to many more days together! You are an amazing wife, mother and friend and I truly appreciate you!
