Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Out with the old and in with the new!

I know, I know it sounds cliché!  But that’s what these first few days of 2012 have been all about for us.  We’re changin’ up some of our old ways and makin’ way for some new (and yes, it revolves around food)!

I seem to have no problem coming up with a “dinner menu” and the “breakfast menu” is, but ask me about snacks and lunch and I’m afraid I’ve got nothin’ for you.  I need a plan of action folks!  I need to take care of our “lunchtime woes!”  So, here’s what I did:

After a great run/core workout I got busy cleaning out and organizing the fridge.  First things first, right?  Feels so good to have a clean refrigerator and actually know what I have in there!  I had a boat-load of gluten free flours that needed some serious tending to and now they are all in their rightful places (with labels!). 


Then, I created a “SNACK” list…DSCN2557

I know somewhere out there someone has created some nifty little “snack center” for the fridge, but on a Pastor’s budget, you use what you have!  An extra tupperware container with no lid works just fine for me.  It’s convenient and easy for the little princesses’ hands to grab a bag full of goodness!

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A “BREAKFAST” list… (check out this fun flow chart for healthy breakfast ideas!)


And a “LUNCH” list…DSCN2556

And got to work baking up some wholesome treats for the fam!

Best Granola Bars and Pumpkin Spice Granola BarsDSCN1202


Looks like a granola bar in cookie form!DSCN2566

Trail Mix Cookies

(inspired by Sarah @ Peas and Thank You)


3 Tbsp flax seed meal

3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk

2 cups gluten free rolled oats

1/4 cup sunflower seeds

1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds

1/4 cup raw almonds, chopped

1/4 cup raisins

1/4 cup dried cranberries

1/4 cup dark chocolate chips

1/2 cup vanilla protein powder

3 Tbsp raw honey

3/4 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract

stevia to taste


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Prepare your cookie sheet by lightly spraying it with cooking spray or lining with parchment paper.  Set aside.

In a small bowl, combine the flax meal with almond milk and set aside.

In a large bowl, combine the remaining ingredients.

Add the flax mixture to dry ingredients and mix until combined.  The mixture will seem to be a bit dry, but will hold together when forming the cookies.

Spoon dough in your hands (or use a small ice cream scoop) and pack cookies.  Place the cookies on the prepared cookie sheet.

Bake for 6-8 minutes, or until cookies are slightly browned.  Let them cool completely on the pan before transferring them to an airtight container.


Carrot Breakfast Cookiesimage

Next up…the PANTRY!  I’ll need an entire day to tackle this one!

Nourishing Thought for Today:

I didn’t join on the “New Years’ Resolutions” bandwagon this year.  Resolutions seem to fade after the first few months, then we get disappointed in ourselves and attempt it all over again the next year.  So, for me, 2012 will be about accomplishing personal (and family) “VICTORIES!”

  First, and foremost, I am reminded every year that I have Victory in Jesus….my Savior forever!

What love is...Certainly a victory I can share all year long…every year!


Today’s victory was spending some quality time with the hubs and making it to the top of Mt. Woodson together in 35 minutes!  DSCN2547 Whether it be big or whether it be small, a victory is a victory and worth being proud of!



I also started my training this week for my first 5K!  Getting up early has been a victory in itself!  I’m using this program for my training and look forward to sharing with you my progress over the next couple of months!

What goals will you be setting in 2012?  And what victories do you look forward to accomplishing?




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